Collection: Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)


While Metaphysical Properties can be an incredible aid in easing the symptoms and maladaptive tendencies of a mental illness- It is meant to be exactly that- an AID to wellness, NOT the solution.

If you are struggling with your mental health, please seek the opinion of a medical professional. However, because I know BPD is so highly stigmatized - PLEASE contact me via email, if you feel like traditional therapy is not an option for you. I have several self-help tools and resources to help you begin your healing journey.  

Remember, your mind is NO less important than your physical health- so care for it as you would your heart or your lungs.

You are not aloneCall or Text '988' for confidential support in emotional distress or suicidal crisis. Para ayuda en español, llame al 988.

For resisting self-destructive urges.
Kunzite soothes panic attacks and feelings of anxiety
Excellent for stabilizing the mood and calming chaotic mind
  Lepidolite contains amounts of natural Lithium (often used to treat Chronic Depression and Bipolar disorder)-  for regulating/balancing Serotonin levels in the brain.
A crucial stone for healing trauma, self-love, and losing a "Favorite Person" as a Borderline Personality
Rhodonite encourages strength, balance and restoration. It teaches us to be kinder to ourselves, releasing destructive patterns that diminish our self-worth.
This crystal reinforces self-confidence and encourages emotional independence, making it a go-to during heartbreak, breakups or any kind of emotional pain.
 Supports self-worth, responsibility, commitment and forgiveness.
Malachite is a "no-nonsense" stone that pushes you to be honest with yourself and face the truth- even if it’s not pretty.
This stone brings awareness to the negative patterns you repeat, wanting you to face those demons and learn the lesson. 
Malachite is also highly protective- deflecting negativity and protecting you from other’s stresses or anxieties. This can prove particularly helpful for a Borderline- as we live in constant hypervigilance with our surroundings.  
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz opens our heart to kindness, patience, compassion and forgiveness towards ourselves and others. It is excellent for working through blockages of self-worth and emotional confidence – reminding you of the beauty, worth, and love you deserve.
The guiding factor of BPD, is an intense fear of abandonment
Amazonite aids the wearer in overcoming pervasive feelings of pessimism and replaces it with hope and positivity.
Wearing, carrying, or meditating with Amazonite can help reassure those feelings of comfort- overcoming the abandonment you've felt from your past.
Dioptase helps heal emotional wounds that stem from childhood - even ones that we may not necessarily remember.
It is a stone of forgiveness- allowing you to release any anger, resentment, or grief you have held on to since you were young. 
For removing toxic attachments.
These types of relationships drain our energy over time, and we may continually try to restore these relationships in order to “fix” our attachments.
Snowflake Obsidian, in particular, is helpful for grief. If your fear of abandonment stems from unresolved grief, then meditating with this stone may be very helpful for you.
Rhodochrosite is often used to increase our ability to trust.
This stone is good for resolving feelings of anger and jealousy- smoothing them into acceptance. If your fear of abandonment has made you possessive over a partner and led to problems between you, Rhodochrosite can allow you to overcome them.
Blue Lace Agate
Many Borderlines struggle with maintaining relationship stability, making it hard to fully trust others and their intentions.
Blue Lace Agate is known as The Stone of Loyalty, promoting encouragement and the mutual support of one another in a relationship. The stronger the trust, the stronger the connection
Blue Chalcedony
Because of the nasty stigma that surrounds BPD in not only society, but the medical field as wellexplaining your experiences to a loved one can be daunting.
Blue Chalcedony boosts listening and communication skills, amplifying the trust in your relationship. As your communication improves and your trust grows, your relationship strengthens by multitudes. 
The Stone of Transformation
Labradorite encourages change, strength and perseverance. It banishes fears and insecurities, while strengthening faith in one's self
This stone stimulates mental acuity and relieves feelings of stress or anxiety. Because someone with BPD is often in a state of hypervigilance or emotional distress- those repercussions can quickly become physical (migraines, digestive issues, etc.)  
Labradorite offers some relief to this dilemma, by regulating the metabolism, aiding in digestion, balancing hormones and soothing menstrual tension
An excellent stone to calm the nerves, manage emotional swings, and keep your clarity in check. This applies not only to your daily life, but your anxieties around relationships as well.
Amethyst is a go-to for the anxious sleeper- as many Borderlines struggle with insomnia and the inability to maintain a consistent sleeping pattern.
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)


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